
Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board was established in 2004 and it has limited decision-making powers as compared to supervisory boards in most other central banks with such bodies.

The Supervisory Board mainly focuses on issues related to the financial operations of the Bank of Mongolia (in particular its investment operations, notably the gold operations), but is not involved in monetary policy making.

De facto, the Supervisory Board fulfills functions that are customary of an Audit Committee of central banks with such committees.

The Supervisory Board reports to the Parliament and plays an advisory role to the Governor of the Bank of Mongolia. It may also issue recommendations to be fulfilled by the Bank of Mongolia, and which are copied to the Economic Standing Committee of the Parliament.

To perform its responsibilities, the Supervisory Board has access to all the financial documents produced by the Bank of Mongolia.

Mr. Davaasambuu Dalrai Chairman, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mr. Tserenbaltav Bat-Ochir Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mr. Lkhagvajav Baatarjav Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mr. Dondog Luvsan-Ochir Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mrs. Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mr. Enkh-Amgalan Mishig Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia
Mr. Chimidsuren Choigunsen Member, Supervisory Board of the Bank of Mongolia