
FX swap, forward

Bank of Mongolia (BOM) enters into MNT, USD swap, forward agreement with banks in order to support the short-term liquidity of banks and to regulate the rights, obligations and other relations of the parties arising due to short-term supply.

  • "MNT swap agreement" is when the agreement is executed BOM will received MNT, provide USD and BOM will receive USD at the end of the agreement, provide MNT.
  • "USD swap agreement" is when the agreement is executed BOM will received USD, provide MNT and BOM will receive MNT at the end of the agreement, provide USD.
  • "MNT forward agreement" is a contract when BOM buys MNT with forward rate and sells USD after a certain period of time,
  • "USD forward agreement" is a contract when BOM buys USD with a forward rate and sells MNT after a certain period of time

The BOM supports to deliver information to forex market participants openly with the purpose of avoiding sudden fluctuations in the MNT exchange rate.

Forward rate calculation

Indicators Conditions
First leg First leg Swap agreement: the funds shall be multiplied with BOM’s official daily foreign exchange rate and the exchange the funds.
Forward agreement: -
Second leg Second leg Swap, forward agreement: The funds that has been exchanged through the first transaction will be exchanged with forward rate.

Forward rate shall be calculated as follows.

$F_{bid}(MNT swap, USD forward)=S_{rate}*\frac{1+I_{mnt\_bid}*t/365}{1+I_{usd\_ask}*t/360}$

$F_{ask}(USD swap, MNT forward)=S_{rate}*\frac{1+I_{mnt\_ask}*t/365}{1+I_{usd\_bid}*t/360}$

Indicators Description
$I_x$ Interest rate for fund (divided by 100)
$I_{mnt\_bid}$ Through first transaction of swap agreement will buy MNT funds, sell MNT funds rate with forward agreement Overnight deposit rate of BOM
$I_{mnt\_ask}$ Through first transaction of swap agreement will sell MNT funds, buy MNT funds rate with forward agreement Overnight repo finance rate of BOM
$I_{usd\_bid}$ Through first transaction of swap agreement buy USD funds, sell USD funds rate with forward agreement SOFR rate
$I_{usd\_ask}$ Through first transaction of swap agreement sell USD funds, buy USD funds rate with forward agreement SOFR + Z spread
$t$ Agreement tenor in days
$F_{bid}$ Forward rate for buying foreign exchange (MNT swap, USD forward)
$F_{ask}$ Forward rate for selling foreign exchange through BOM’s forward transactions (USD swap, MNT forward)
$S_{rate}$ BOM official daily foreign exchange rate